Today, I still feel dizzy due to the weekend getaway i had with the Llantos. The trip went great. Spending half of the day floating in the middle of the sea is such an amazing experience though i felt so sick after the wet afternoons.
It was a 4-day out-of-town trip with Madam and Dr. Llanto, kuya Joy, Bong and Jezreel. Knowing that it would be a missionary trip, I easily opted to go with them with the license from my dear parents and i am glad they allowed me to. Being with new and rare set of companions was a great adjustment and a challenging activity for this holiday. I never thought that i would easily be okay with people i never thought would be okay to be with me. In short, feel nako dili mi mgkasinabot. But bravo sunbeam joy! Bravo! It just shows i can live wherever and with whoever by being flexible.
And Jologs nga talaga kami...hahaha... We guys have different things in common even when i was the only girl with them. Somehow-out-of-tune-renditions were just nothing because we had a great time singing heartwarming melodies even though the people doesn't know we made couple of mistakes.
got to go...
I would just drop by for some other chikas... I really have to go... see yah!!!